12th August ~There is nothing like knowing people are going to see every part of your plot to focus the mind. A good day of tidying and clearing. I wish it always looked this tidy. Thought it is August and there are too many bare patches and not enough colour. I know I say this every year but I need more cosmos, dahlias and friends in the front beds and borders. Open days at the weekend as part of the Flower Farmers’ Big Weekend.
13th August ~ Replaced all the earwig traps which had been dislodged and blown away in the gales. There are still earwigs about but they are causing less damage than they were. Unfortunately still targeting the dark red dahlias. Dahlia plot looks fab considering it’s new this year and was a mess of weeds a few months ago.
14th August ~ More heavy rain. All water butts and tanks are now full and I have filled all watering cans as well. We are unlikely to have more drought but I am twitchy just the same.
15th August ~ Weeding, edging, tidying – it’s all coming together. As I go round I can see ways to improve things for next year to grow more efficiently and what we need more or less of. The season is changing and many things have reached their peak and will now begin to tail off. Thank goodness for Dahlias, Zinnias and Cosmos which are all flowering prolifically. I don’t like to think of the end of summer but there is a chill in the air in the evenings and it feels like change.
16th August ~ day on, day off! Heavy rain again today – really no let up all day and it’s very squelchy underfoot. Not possible to do anything much outside but I did manage a short time in the shed with some dried flowers and the beginnings of a wreath. Apart from that prep for the open day in the way of signs and cakes.
17th August ~ Day 1 of Flower Farmers’ Big Weekend. A glorious warm sunny day. We had a stream of visitors who made all the preparations worth while.
18th August ~ Day 2. Even more visitors. I’m very happy to spend a day talking to people about plants. Plenty of cake was eaten and money raised for Dorothy House.