3rd September ~ Very fine wet rain which soaks in a short time.
4th September ~ I have a lot of planting out to do. I have small Lupin plants which I understand do better if established in the Autumn. I hope they won’t be razed by slugs. Better send the ducks in. Also Gaura. I’m not sure how hardy that will be so I will try some planted under cover. A few things need to come out of the poly tunnel so there will be room. Bulbs will start arriving soon!
5th September ~ There is a definite chill in the air first thing in the morning. Once the sun is up it’s warm again but there is no doubt that Autumn is coming.
First Ranunculus claws arrived in the post today. They are replacements for ones which were the wrong colour last season. Fingers crossed for these.
6th September ~ Pulling up the Daucus in the poly tunnel. It got too tall really and has not been worth the space it took up. I’ve saved some seed from it and hope it might self seed as well. I have self seeded plants outside which have done well.
7th September ~ How do the days go past so quickly? More cutting for drying and trying to sort what is already dried. It’s important to cut and bunch in 10s, 20s etc to save on sorting and counting once dried. Ask me how I know?
8th September ~ New plants. A visit to the Rare Plants Fair at the Bishop’s Palace, Wells and then a visit to a friends’ meant a boot full of new plants. Lots of plans to rearrange the garden, it’s the perfect time of year, but no time, frustratingly.