Bulbs are so important in the Spring garden. They give us colour and scent starting in the darkest days of winter and going right through until May. Who doesn’t love a Snowdrop poking it’s green shoots through and then showing it’s gently nodding head. Looking fragile but so tough.
This year it seems more important than ever to get hold of a few bulbs and put them in the ground as something to look forward to. And it’s not too late. I have actually got all mine in the ground (smug face) unless I find any more stashed away. Ideally you’ll have started planting them in October and November. Saving the Tulips until the soil cooled a little as they can suffer from diseases if planted too early.
One problem I have in early Autumn is that I don’t have the border space ready for as many bulbs as I think I want! This year I’ve planted many Narcissus and a few Tulips in pots. Some will stay in the pots but some can be put out into the ground when there is space.
These are Muscari in tiny terracotta pots. Already, in mid December, sowing their green shoots.
If you come across them in garden centres or on those endless special offer emails you could still stash a few away in pots for spring colour. Bulbs are so easy, they have everything they need for a Spring show, all you need to do is add soil and water.
I rarely remember where I’ve planted them so. supposing I haven’t forked them before they get to flower, they appear as little surprises just when we need them.