14th October ~ A few of the ranunculus have beautiful little shoots. Moving all the trays of bulbs, claws and corms into the house as mice (or similar) are digging, eating and scattering them around. Sigh.
300mm rain in 40 days.
15th October ~ It did not rain.
Clearing cutting beds. Removing plants which are dying down and covering with manure/straw collected from local stable. It is not rotted but will be there for 5/6 months before any planting takes place. Collecting seed. Cornflowers are self sowing – there is no telling what colour they may be.
16th October ~ Deadheading the poor, sorry dahlias. There are plenty more buds so as long as we don’t get frost there may be more usable flowers. Some places have already had frost. Cutting down Cosmos which has also suffered in the rain.
17th October ~ Unsatisfying retail therapy but managed a few cuttings of Brachyglottis. It’s a good foliage plant. I have a few small plants ready to plant out. Sowed newly collected Anchusa seeds. Two plants from the purchased seed last year so hopeful for more this year.
19th October ~ Cutting down and weeding. There is so much to do it feels as though I am making little progress but it all helps and I am, at least, making some progress. Wheelbarrows full going into the compost heaps.
20th October ~ It seems we are now enlarging the front bed rather than just adding a path or access. Mr C marked it out and began removing turf today. It’s not a huge job but it will mean all the plants and cuttings I have in pots will have new home. I have discovered that some anemones which I planted in the long grass last spring were actually growing so I had to move them away from the route of the new path. Hopefully they will establish well in this damp autumn weather.