Home » 29th September – A little progress

Dahlia Penhill Dark Monarch

29th September – A little progress

23rd September ~ Dahlias. They’ve done brilliantly in their new home and have flowered for weeks. I know their days are numbered now – hopefully frost will hold off for a good while yet. The supports of post and netting have worked really well. It’s only a few of the large headed flowers which need extra support. In rain or high winds they droop their heads and sometimes snap the stems. Perhaps another row of netting higher up and string or rope around the bottom.

24th September ~ A ridiculous amount of rain. Mud, mud everywhere.

25th September ~ Starting off some anemones by soaking. Soak for 24 hours then chit by placing in a tray of compost until they show roots and shoots. Anemeones in the ground are shooting away well. I worry about weather damage to the flowers though so I will grow some inside as well.

26th September ~ Ditto with Ranunculus. I have some saved and some new. Planning where to plant them all.

28th September ~ Accidentally bought some more plants at a local nursery open day. The sell at wholesale prices. I try not to go every year but I was near! A beautiful pale pink Sedum plus an Teucrium fruticans which I’d seen on Gardener’s World that week, among others. Again no time to get planting. There is clearing to do before planting can take place.

29th September ~ Plan for a new path through one of the front beds. The whole bed has been completely out of control this year with huge teasels at the front obscuring plants behind. A winding path through would allow lower planting near the path and taller things at the back. Think most of the Artemisia should be moved to the cutting beds as they flop and obscure smaller plants.

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